Blush has fought tooth and nail to get out of her dusty old hometown and into the city where things move at a faster pace, evolving in the blink of an eye; a place that would keep up with her ambitions. When she finally returns home to visit her father, she experiences the benefits of a slower pace. Meanwhile, an old romance is rekindled in a way that stirs both her emotions and her sexuality so powerfully that she is now forced to choose between small town life and the high tech playground where she now resides.
Click to view on Amazon: Flames Burn Hotter in Texas
I love small town romance stories, they just can get under my skin in ways that other romance stories can't. Maybe it is the nostalgia factor, but I just love them. And this is a story that falls right into that category.
To start off with I want to say that I love the names in this book. Blush is such a unique name and it has such character, I love it... tucking that one away for the next time I need to name something. Cade is also such a hunky name. I think that the root of this story is something that almost anyone can understand: wanting to spread your wings and fly from the nest, try and make it on your own, cut the ties to your home town. It is certainly something that I have felt, and only recently have I grown up enough to really appreciate where I grew up and I think that Blush goes through a similar learning experience in this book, and she gets a hot guy to help her along the way.
I really liked how talented Blush was, I liked how she could just pick up the reins and start solving problems it really added a depth to her character that could have been lost in such an erotica heavy book. As far as the sex goes... it was pretty hot. I loved the scenes between Cade and Blush, sometimes I think they jumped into it a little fast, but then I remind myself that lust is lust, it hits hard and fast, so the speed of the relationship didn't bother me at all. What bothered me a bit was the relationship between Blush and Buck. For a while in the book it seemed like Cade was fading out of the picture and Buck was someone Blush was interested, but that wasn't to hard of an obstacle for me to get over, and I do understand that characters have to overcome challenges in order to grow, and it definitely added another facet to Blush's character.
When I first started this trilogy (it comes as a boxed set) I thought it would just be a fluffy erotica piece, but it showed surprising depth that I found very pleasing.
I give it a solid 4 out of 5 stars! Go check it out!